Friday, December 05, 2008

I thank God(s)

I wake up this morning feeling absolutely great! I am so touched that I am so loved by my family, friends, pets and the Gods above! Why am I suddenly so grateful (seeing that I have been an absolute ungrateful brat before this)? I don't know. Enlightened, I suppose. ;)

I thank Gods above for my beautiful family. I realise now that my parents, brother and sisters and their families love me unconditionally and are worried about me all the time. They would walk on fire or shelter me from rain with their own bodies if there is the need. It was unfortunate that there is the communication break down within the family that makes each of us forget how much the other loves us sometimes. But I am determined to not let that happen to me again.

I thank Gods above for my extended family. Without you, Ah Yi and Ashley, I think I will not realise how much my parents have done for me. I'm sorry for my MIA status for over 2 months, but I did not want to repeat myself like a broken recorder and be reminded of the difficult times. :) Now that all is well, you can question me all you want. :)

I thank Gods above for Brian. It is definitely quite unusual among the people I know to still be friends with their ex. It is great that he is such an awesome and understanding guy. Girls, this guy is amazing! (Hey B, lemme know if my advertisement for you works, k?) ;)

I thank Gods above for my lovely friends...William, Linesh, Vilo, Melwin, Woon, MeiJu, Hwa Cheat, Sara, Ming Keat, Jarrod, Siaw Hui, Sin Yuan, Sophia, Joshua Paul, Jono, KY and others who were truly worried about me when they heard rumours of the break up but dared not ask for fear of intrusion. guys are the greatest...And again, sorry for my MIA status.

I thank Gods above for my good looks and kindness. Hahahahahaha...You people who have/had crushes on me, better 'fess up or risk losing me to another person! Muahahaha...I know Vilo, you have told me so many times, let others have a chance! Hahahaha...

I thank Gods above for my job (and with that, my patience). Teaching brings much satisfaction sometimes. And some of the kids make you really passionate about teaching and helping them do better in their lives.

I thank Gods above for my lovely pets - Baby, Charlie, Hunter and Kristy. Baby for not biting me much these days and only welcomes me with a helicopter tail. Hehe...when she was slightly younger, she'd be so excited to see me that she could fly bottoms up because her tail was spinning wildly. For other family members, she would just wag her tail. :) And those of you who have seen Charlie would know that he follows me around as though he can't bear to be apart from me even for one second (except when my mom is eating snacks in the kitchen). Hunter, for all his craziness leapts as though his legs were springs when I'm at home. And poor Kristy who used to snap at me is on her last legs after my mom bought Bobby(which is dead after 2 weeks) home to accompany her. I didn't know that turtles are even more violent than dogs when they fight for dominance.

I have much more to be thankful for. Right now, it is for KFC. off to have my finger linkin' good lunch now.

Amen, Amin, Namo Amitabha, ohm Shanti shanti shanti...


Viloshena said...

Yes J i think its high time we let others into our lifes too..we jus cant go on with each other..GOD I or shall i say we sound like real partners...hehehehehe...hope ur dad or my dad for the matter does not read this or else we will never be allowed to see each other ever again..

but i do hope my aunties read this..then they will know that i can indeed get a partner from a different race...hehehehehehe..but same gender....

Viloshena said...

Yes J i think its high time we let others into our lifes too..we jus cant go on with each other..GOD I or shall i say we sound like real partners...hehehehehe...hope ur dad or my dad for the matter does not read this or else we will never be allowed to see each other ever again..

but i do hope my aunties read this..then they will know that i can indeed get a partner from a different race...hehehehehehe..but same gender....

lil' Munchkin said...

dearest dear Jia Wen...
owh...i'm sorry to hear that...but life goes on. be positive.
and remember. u'll always be loved.

(now,,,can i have my big hugs???) hehehehe

m_kaur said...

am famous!

what happen lah...? so good? hehehehe

so in good mood...put money in my account..i will sms u the number hehehehehe

ok hv fun gal

fluotone said...

well I thank god I found you J :) hope all is well, take care and *hugs* ;)

didie said...

sorry that i only knew bout what happened to u now..but cheer up! the breaking up does not matter. what matters the most is that, you do not lose him as a fren! tkcr!

sophia_siah said...

well gal happy to noe that u r getting along nicely after the break's great that after break u guys are still frens.i broke up twice and the guys and me diidn't even contact each i envy u actually.hehe
anywhere,frens will be there for u wheneva u need them so just tell us anything when u have probs ya.
cheers :) xoxo